Wednesday, August 16, 2006


So, I haven't posted in, well...many weeks. In my defense we've been busy. We started school last week! How fun. More on that later. Today I have two things to accomplish with this blog. 1.) I'm testing out the new Picasa web albums thing. 2.) I gotta tell you about GOO!!

Reverse that order. I'll tell you about Goo first. Goo is this magical stuff that the kids and I made yesterday in school. It's a little like play-doh only WAY cooler. It's easier to make and more fun to play with (in our opinion). It's cheap to make. It has provided hours of fun for all of us. All of you should make some. Today. Don't use not having kids as an excuse. No one is too cool for Goo. It will make you happy. Trust me. So here's the recipe:

1 cup of glue (plain, white glue)
3/4 cup water

Mix the water and glue in a bowl.

1/2 cup water
1 and 1/2 tsp. Borax (in the laundry detergent section)

Pour the borax mixture slowly into the glue and water. Stir it up. Mix a second batch of borax mixture and pour it in slowly. Knead it until it is completely congealed and solid. It shouldn't stick to your hands. We added some green food coloring to our glue and water. Our Goo looks like snot. Ha. Store it in a ziploc.

So, go try it. Borax is cheap. Glue is cheap. Water is cheaper. Have a blast.

For my second task, I'll try out the new Picasa web album thing that I downloaded. Here goes nothing:

Click on Anna Kate to see more pictures of us playing with our Goo. Enjoy!

Jul 7, 2006 - 5 Photos


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I come PLAY!!!! What fun you guys are having. Looks like "school" and "goo" agree with you all. GREAT PICTURES.


August 16, 2006 at 5:36 PM  

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