Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Merry Christmas from the GerltHouse!

Every Christmas Eve that I can remember I slept under the Christmas Tree. As a kid we did it to try to catch Santa when he came. As the years passed it became a tradition. It's just what we do on Christmas Eve. This year was no different. We moved the coffee table and got out all the blankets and settled in. How fun! Early Christmas morning Max woke up and headed for the bathroom, hitting the wall on his way because he was still half asleep. Chad quickly grabbed the camera and this is what we saw as Max came around the corner and saw his Christmas gifts. What a fun morning. He woke up Anna Kate and they quickly got busy playing with their new Christmas toys. It was such a fun morning together. They weren't even sad that Santa ate the cookies that we left for him. Last year they were quite offended that he had the nerve to eat our cookies.
I have so many more fun pictures. Maybe one day I'll post them! Until then, Happy New Year! Posted by Picasa


Blogger Jamie Butts said...

That's a fabulous picture. When I saw it on your computer earlier tonight (Kate and I had fun watching slideshows) I laughed so hard. Love it! Love you.

January 4, 2006 at 9:19 PM  

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