Friday, December 02, 2005

Thankful for Thanksgiving

So, it's a week or so past Thanksgiving. I'm still thankful. We had such a blessed Thanksgiving. We spent the weekend in Crane. What fun to be a Momma D and Papa's house. You can bet that there was good food. And we had a great time being together.

It's sort of funny when I go to Mom and Dad's house. I "check out" mentally. It's like I'm so relaxed that I just forget how to do things. I get up late...somebody else feeds my kids breakfast...someone else gets their clothes on...What? Huh, did you need something? I was reading a magazine. After dinner is over I just want to lay down. Dishes? Huh? I don't know what it is. I turn into a bum. A complete bum. So I tried a little harder this time to stay a bit connected with reality. I still was completely relaxed. But I tried not to be RIDICULOUSLY relaxed...and turn into a total sluggard. It was a good holiday. I love Thanksgiving. It has all of the good qualities of the Christmas holidays without the rat race. No gifts to buy. No greedy little kiddos begging to open "just one present". You still get all the good food. Fun family. And a few football games to watch. Good times.


Blogger Momma B. said...

WoW! I can not imagine what life is like for you. A six year old! You didn't even gradually work into it. You are amazing! I can not wait to be close to you guys and discuss this stuff in person. You are one of the best moms I know and it is so great to have a friend who understands the ups and downs of parenting like me, without thinking I am crazy! LOVE YOU!

December 3, 2005 at 1:50 PM  

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