Tuesday, November 06, 2007


I've never been tagged before. I've read lots blogs written by people who have been tagged. My friend, Felicia, over at The Zoo I Call Home has tagged me and I am supposed to write about what we do on rainy days. I will say that I am glad it's not one of those tags where I'm supposed to come up with 8 random things about myself. That would be tough.
Anyway, rainy days. Hmmm. Being truthful, rainy days look a lot like our other days except that we're in our Jammies. On a typical day we get up, eat breakfast and get dressed. On rainy days we just skip that last step. Why get dressed if you're just going to be inside all day? When it comes time for free time when the kids would normally go outside and play, I wish I could say that I get out a fun craft that I've had planned for just such an occasion. But, alas, I typically let them watch a movie. Or two. I think that's okay. They think I'm the best mom in the world.
The other thing that changes in our house on rainy days is our menu. We eat food that suits a rainy day like Cheesy Meat or Stuffed Potatoes or Corn Chowder. Yum. Come on, rain!
This little system has worked well for us since rainy days are few and far between in Texas. As the cooler temperatures arrive here in Pennsylvania, I am realizing that I'm going to have to exercise my creativity to keep them occupied during the snowy months ahead. Ideas, anyone?

And just for the heck of it, I'm tagging Momma B, Mandy and Kristen. Love you girls!


Blogger Momma B. said...

Just bundle them up and send them out anyway! Make sure to stock up on hot chocolate! You're making memories!

November 6, 2007 at 8:13 PM  
Blogger Jamie Butts said...

Get a big puzzle! :)

November 7, 2007 at 6:44 AM  
Blogger mindy said...

Baking cookies, building forts with tents, ModPodging magazines into collages, cutting snowflakes out of any kind of paper, puppet shows, painting suncatchers, going to the library (preferrably Mr.Bob but not too feasible in Pennsylvania), writing letters to those far away, listening/ singing/ acting out musicals, Hot n' Cold game, et cetera, et cetera. Those are the only things that were currently on the top of my head. Boy o boy, I sure miss coming over on snowy/any days and crafting with your family (I, actually, think I only did this once or twice, but I miss it just the same.)

November 8, 2007 at 9:53 PM  

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